Saturday, February 19, 2011

11. Learn to Use Your Camera and Avoid the Need for Digital Enhancement Through Constant Practice.

The key to learning anything is to practice constantly but this does not mean endlessly running around snapping away at everything that moves... or doesn't.

Observation is key to this process. Observe the scene, predict the shot, try the shot until on the camera display, it looks ok.

Pay attention to how you have adjusted your settings throughout. Now go home and take a look at the shots full size.

Take note of the changes in each shot and how those changes moved you closer to or further away from what you were going for.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

10. In Nature Photography or Outdoor Photography Your Observation and Understanding of the Environment is Vital.

You can’t rush nature photography and you really have to watch your subject for a long time in order to understand its behaviour. Put the camera down for a while and simply look at the scene or your subject in that scene.